
The realization of this website would not have been possible without the help of many people for the information and precious suggestions given to me.

Steve Cole is the webmaster of an important website dedicated to the Italians Campaign (link). Steve Cole’s father fought in Italy in the 328th artillery battalion, 85th division" Custer".

Bob Holt is Raymond Holt’s son, tank leader in the B company, 752nd Tank Battalions, one of the units that freed Cornuda 30 April 1945. Bob Holt is a historian of the 752nd Tank battalion and the webmaster of an important website (link) about the unit.

Sam Studstill is a veteran of the 350th regiment, 88th infantry division “Blue Devils. I had the luck to exchange few emails with him and to receive an interesting view of the pre-war period and of his war experience in Italy.

Eugene H. Buck is an independent researcher that develops searches at the National Archives in Washington DC. With his precise and rapid job, I have been able to receive copies of military documents of that days, operational orders and reports. If you have the curiosity or the necessity to look for something in the enormous reserve of information constituted by the National Archives I warmly recommend you to engage a researcher. You can contact him sending an email to this address.

This is the list of the sources, books, websites and documents, which I have used:

Klaus H. Huebner, “Long Walk through War”, Texas A&M, 1987.
James C. Fry, “Combat Soldier”, The National Press, Inc., 1968.
John P. Delaney, “The Blue Devils In Italy”, Battery Press, 1988.
John E. Wallace, “The Blue Devil Battle Mountain Regiment in Italy”, Battery Press, 1977.
Paul L. Schultz, “The 85th Infantry Division In World War II”, Battery Press, 1979.
John Sloan Brown, “Draftee Division”, Presidio, 1986.
“History of the 349th Infantry Regiment”, 88th Infantry Division Association Inc., 1973.
Robbins, “The 91st Infantry Division inWorld War II”, Infantry Journal Press, 1947.
Matthew Parker, “Montecassino”, Il Saggiatore, 2004.
Unit reports of the 349th regiment, Us National Archives.
Memories and photographs kept in the Town Library of Cornuda

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